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Advanced technology meets customized delivery.

Beaver EcoWorks leverages an advanced, patented technology portfolio and a fully-integrated treatment approach to create a process that will remain resilient to challenging wastewater contaminants for even the next-generation of contaminants. We build on key technologies that adapt to changing water quality and can sustain high-performance across multiple contaminant families and chemistries.This integrated treatment approach minimizes the need for chemicals, reducing both environmental damage and operating costs.

Advanced Oxidation Process

Chemical-free. Adaptive. Modular.

We leverage advanced oxidation processes (AOP) primarily for pretreatment applications. Our AOP technology pretreats water for bacteria, viruses, H2S, endocrine-disrupting compounds, various toxic pharmaceutical compounds, mineral precipitin, and heavy metal oxidation, among others. Our proprietary electrochemical reactor system generates multiple oxidants based on the ionic conditions of the water. These powerful multiple oxidants help to oxidize toxic contaminants which are difficult to treat with conventional treatment methods.

Integrated in-line sensor suites, placed before and after the treatment reactor allows the PLC-controlled system to make automatic adjustments to the electrical energy inputs. The modular reactor design means we can run systems in series and parallel, which include configurations that allow for multiple passes through the AOP reactor, even at high flow rates. Our electro-oxidation reactor system is designed to adapt to changes in water parameters and address variations in BOD loadings by changing the power inputs to each reactor automatically.

Ultrafine Bubble Injection

Chemical-free. Synergistic. Performant.

Ultrafine bubbles are tiny bubbles with diameters of nanometers and micrometers with several unique physical properties that make them useful for water treatment. Most notably, the generated ultrafine bubbles will eventually implode onto themselves to release OH- radicals with a 2.8 mV oxidation potential. This in turn helps release additional oxygen localized at a molecular level from other water molecules. Ultrafine bubbles can also enhance effluent dissolved oxygen levels and aid in the oxidation of organic compounds.

Ultrafine bubbles are game-changing for sterilization and cleaning. The agglomeration and collapse process of the ultrafine bubbles converts oxygen in the air into active oxygen, creating bactericidal molecules. Ions existing at the gas-liquid interface of the ultrafine bubbles decompose and adsorb oil and fat contamination, which allows removal of the contamination without the need for cleaning agents. Our proprietary ultrafine bubble generation technology can be applied on various types of effluent for low to high flow rate applications.